Strict warning for all Distributor's (Please provide correct banking details before Activate your self)
(Kindly note:- Before submit fill all forms carefully (compulsory) If you submit any incomplete or wrong form after that penalty charges will be Rs.236/- and company can immediately block your I'd permanently. It's a request to read and fill all the form in a correct manner.
Sponsor Details (referral details)
Sponsor id (referral id) very carefully enter your sponsor details *
Sponsor Name (referral name) recheck your sponsor name *
very carefully select your business team as per your choice *
Buyer Personal Details company name not allow:
Buyer Full Name (same as per mention in your bank account) *
Buyer own main mobile no. (OTP will be receive on same mobile no) if wrong Rs.236 penalty *
Buyer Alternate mobile No.
Buyer Email Id (OTP will be receive on same email id) (if wrong Rs.236 penalty)
Buyer Gender *
Buyer Marital Status (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Buyer Date Of Birth (if wrong Rs.236 penalty)
Buyer Pan Number- One pan card only 1 business I'd allowed (Note:- If you are submit wrong pancard your ID will be terminate permanently) if wrong Rs.236 penalty *
Buyer According to Government IT rules (kindly confirm has your PAN Card been linked to your Aadhar Card or not) *
Buyer Aadhar card number compulsory (without aadhar card you can not join) *
Buyer GST Number
Buyer Blood group
Buyer compnay name
Buyer Nominee Details (ongoing income even after your death)
Buyer Nominee name
Buyer Relationship with nominee
Be careful don't disclose your login password & transaction password to anyone:
Login Password (don't disclose your password to anybody) *
Confirm Login Password (don't disclose your password to anybody) *
Transaction Password (don't disclose your password to anybody) *
Please provide complete in details address compulsory & correct for product delivery (if wrong Rs.236 penalty):
Buyer Compulsory Name,Mobile No,City,Village,District,State,pincode mention here in single column) for product delivery if wrong Rs.236 penalty *
Re-enter Buyer state compulsory (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Re-enter Buyer district/city/village name compulsory (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Re-enter Buyer area pin code compulsory (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Please provide compulsory & correct bank details (if wrong Rs.236 penalty):
Buyer Account Holder Name (all as per Bank Accounts) (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) *
Buyer Bank Name (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Buyer Bank Account No. (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Buyer Account Type (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Buyer Branch Name (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Buyer IFSC Code (if wrong Rs.236 penalty) Gramin & Co-Operative bank not allowed *
Compulsory Click on below terms & conditions disclaimer ebiotorium company policy link bofore submit:
Please click first on this Terms and conditions link and read all terms & conditions all legal disclaimer rules regulations of ebiotorium network pvt. ltd. company business and product refund policy (after reading the all & if you are don't agree with ebiotorium company's any conditions policy you don't accept & don't submit just click on cancel)